Mailing Lists and Communication

From MIT Assassins' Guild
Revision as of 17:28, 15 April 2023 by Alex Dehnert (talk | contribs) (We use Discord now, not Slack)

This document is an index of all of the communication platforms and resources that you, a regular member of the MIT Assassins' Guild, should be aware of.

Mailing Lists

  • assassins-guild: the general membership list. Receives applications for upcoming games and announcements of other guild events.
  • assassin-discuss: a relatively new list, intended to be high-traffic, for miscellaneous discussion about the Guild.
  • assassins-social: where announcements for things like the housewarming party for a long-standing guild member are sent. Accouncements about non-Guild LARP events are also sent here. This list is relatively inactive.
  • assassins-writers: a low-traffic list for people writing games, their technical questions, and answers from people who have written games before.
  • patrol-players: announcements and cancellations for the weekly patrol games.
  • generic: a list, mostly deprecated, for everything else. This include (rare) wide-ranging discussion of all aspects of playing or writing games, as well as the occasional flame war.


The Guild has a Discord. If you don't have access, check your email for an invite, and send mail to the High Council if you don't have one.


The Assassins' Guild website (that you are currently on) doubles as a wiki. You can access a variety of resources through the MIT Assassins' Guild navigation page.

Zephyr class

We have the -c assassin class. It's not generally used by current students, but it still exists. See SIPB's Zephyr documentation for help setting up Zephyr.


If you have any questions, email the High Council or the Scribe.