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The schedule of games being run in IAP 2019 under the auspices of the MIT Assassins' Guild is as follows.

Make sure that you are on the Assassins' Guild Mailing List to receive the application forms for these games.

Genius: The Future of Tomorrow

Week of 1/25 through 2/3, with a 24-hour game break on 1/29

GMs: Haley Bates-Tarasewicz, Will Kalb, Jayson Lynch, E. Rosser, Loren Sherman

"I was at Bletchley Park. Maybe you read about it. We broke codes there, and I wasn't any good at it. I was Goddamn worthless. Then one day the answers came, like someone ran a million volts up my ass and my brain turned into a light bulb. Only thing was, I could crack the codes, but I couldn't tell anyone why. Couldn't… explain. I was Inspired, you see. I wasn't smart ― not like some of those guys ― but I was a Genius. I shone like the sun. Atomic fire shuddered inside my skull and flew out my eyes to light up the world. I ran with it. God, I embraced it. Suddenly I went from a failure to a miracle-worker... and no one could make sense of how I did it, me least of all. But I could do it. Have you ever felt that? I think you have." -- Kyle Marquis, Genius: The Transgression

Everyone knows this world runs on rules. Energy is conserved. Gravity pulls inwards. Actions have consequences. Very few people have the tenacity or the drive to disagree -- to craft impossible works of art or science, to invent mind-boggling workarounds and raise a mechanical middle finger to any compunctions society might have about their discoveries. These people push the limits of reality to peer into the void of the unknown and create something new, something impossible that cannot work, yet somehow manages to subsist solely on the Maniacal passion of its creator. The outdated Mere Mortal word for this is “madness.” You and your fellows have a more accurate term: “Genius.”

Perpetually at odds with what society calls “acceptable,” there are only a few places where the Inspired community can openly gather to mingle, network, conspire, and transgress. The Future of Tomorrow Convention is one of the best -- or at least, they have the best swag. It's held every leap-second, tucked away in a fabulous pocket-universe of all the lost futures that never were. At the Convention you can earn the admiration and envy of your Peers. You can learn new secrets of forbidden science, art, craftsmanship, and philosophy while representing your foundation or baramin in the wondercrafting competitions. Explore this amazing world, a glorious city of the most hopeful futures humankind ever forgot. Settle the score with rivals from days gone by. Choose the next leadership of the Peerage. Meet those people whom you’ve only known as a username on a message board, and use the best facilities known to the Inspired to finally put your plans into action. With so many geniuses in one place, the only thing for certain is that it won’t be a dull affair.

Welcome to the Future of Tomorrow -- have an Inspiring stay! (Tickets are non-refundable in the case of injury, dismemberment, vaporization, rampaging wonders, time-space anomalies, doomsday devices, Illumination, or inclement weather.)

Genius: The Future of Tomorrow is a ten-day LARP running under the auspices of the MIT Assassins' Guild, based on the fan-made World of Darkness sourcebook Genius: The Transgression, written by Kyle Marquis. No familiarity whatsoever with that original sourcebook is necessary to play and enjoy this LARP.